Monday, November 7, 2011

MailBox Monday!

Happy Monday to Everyone! It is 'MailBox Monday' today here on Commissary Coupons, which means I share with you any freebies that I received in my mailbox. Signing up for samples, etc. can be a great way to acquire higher value coupons or travel-sized items for FREE! 

This week's freebies included:

  • Twinnings Teas (You were able to choose which specific 3 types that you wanted!)
  • Crest Complete travel-sized toothpaste (this came from Vocalpoint)
  • Coupon for any one FREE Tai Pei Entree (up to $4.00) 
  • Commissary Coupons from CommissaryShopper. I don't normally include these in my posts, but wanted to make sure to remind you that you can easily sign up to receive these coupons in the mail, just click on the link HERE!!!!


  1. I love my commissaryshopper coupons! I use almost all the products they have in there, so it's nice to have coupons for them. :-)

  2. I couldn't agree MORE! =) I especially love that the Commissary Shopper coupons come monthly, FREE, conveniently in the mail, & you only have to sign up for them once to keep receiving them!
